About Me

I am a Machine Learning Scientist at Observe.AI, a YCombinator-2018 startup, working in the field of voice AI. Prior to that, I was employed at IPsoft Inc. as R&D Engineer, working in Episodic Memory team of Amelia - an enterprise cognitive agent. In my practical experience, I have primarily worked in Conversational AI researching and productionizing solutions catering to intent and entities classification, dialog management, sentiment analysis and understanding call anatomy.

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Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Text Classification, Language Modeling, Conversational AI
ML/DL Libraries: Tensorflow, Pytorch, Sklearn
LR, RF, CNN, LSTM/GRU, Transformers
Python: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib
Research + Technical Writing

Job & Education

Technical Expertise

Sentiment Analysis

Multimodal sentiment analysis using gated attention mechanism, Unsupervised aspect detection, aspect based sentiment, lexicon creation in resource scarce languages like Hindi, Bengali, Dutch, Turkish etc.

Intent and Entity Detection

Supervised, semi-supervised and joint-learning using contextual CNN/LSTM architectures with attention mechanisms to identify intents and entities/slots.

Text Classification

CNN, LSTM/GRU, Transformers based architectures utilizing word2vec, glove, ELMo, BERT based representations for classification, similarity detection, text retrieval.

Task Oriented Dialog Systems

Worked on retrieval based dialog systems that leverages sequential matching networks and contextual LSTMs to learn context, query and response triplets.

Out of Domain Detection

Handled out of domain inputs for dialog systems using cascaded hierarchical filters: a mixture of heuristic and classifiers.

Data and Annotations

Extensively worked on creating data guidelines and annotation strategies which forms the base for any production ML systems. Explored teacher-student framework and active learning for data augmentation.


Contextualized Word Representations

How to generate word vectors depending on the context that can cater to challenge of polysemy along with capturing information regarding its syntactic and semantic characteristics. Description/Analysis of a method as published in “Deep Contextualized Word Representations” in NAACL, 2018 by Peters et al.

Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons

How to integrate information that comes from existing lexicons to word vectors? A method as published in “Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons” in NAACL, 2015 by Faruqui et al.

Topic based textual summarization

A document can contain information regarding multiple topics viz., sports and politics. A simple summarization method would present this document in a concise format (single summary). How about a setup that can regard topics present in the document to generate summary considering that topic (topic based summary)? Descriptions of a research work as published in "Generating topic oriented summaries using neural network" in NAACL, 2018 by Krishna and Srinivasan.

Achievements and Recognitions



Bangalore, India